The best way to keep your child safe and healthy is to strengthen the immune system.

April 21, 2019


How Salt Therapy help kids to improve their immunity and how safe for pregnant women?

The child is the most precious aspect of anyone’s life. Even the slightest problem with them can make parents worried. With the advent of the modern world where around 80% of natural forest have been destructed and pollution rising high, the health issues have grown. It not only affects adults but even kids who are in their nascent stage. Problems like asthma, bronchitis, allergies, skin irritation, eczema, etc. have become very common. Many pediatrics prohibit the use of medicines, and thus, people are now shifting their focus on natural remedies. 

The best way to keep your child safe and healthy is to strengthen the immune system. There are many ways to do this and salt therapy is the latest development in this domain. Recently the salt therapy has gained popularity, and you can find many such centers opening in your vanity.

Quick view about Salt therapy

Salt therapy or dry salt therapy is also known as Halotherapy. The best part about it is that it works effectively for adults and children. Halotherapy is natural, safe, free from any drug and is thus safe for people of all age grow up. Even the pregnant ladies are now using this method. It is responsible for overall body wellness, it not only helps in removing toxicity from the respiratory system but its effectiveness is can also be seen in the appearance of skin and boosting the immune system.

Let's analyze how Salt Therapy can improve the functioning of the respiratory system

If you are looking forward to improving your respiratory system using salt therapy, it's advisable that you should visit the local salt therapy center. It will help in enhancing lung capacity, reducing the stress, boosting the immunity and ensures better sleep.

What are the different respiratory conditions cured by Salt Therapy?

You can seek salt therapy for your kids if they are facing respiratory problems like

  • Asthma
  • Common cold
  • Allergies
  • Bronchitis
  • Ear infection

Salt therapy for skin infection

Well, children have very sensitive skin, exposure to the polluting environment can result in rashes and other skin allergies. You can give salt therapy to your child if they are facing the issues like

  • Skin Rashes
  • Allergies on the skin
  • Redness of skin
  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Inflammation

How does salt therapy work for your child?

STEP1: First, the salt emits negative ions. The infected or diseased cells have electron deficiency. So once these negative ions come into contact with electron deficient injured cells. The body comes in the exposure to the electron-rich environment which heals the cells by absorption. 

STEP2: The microcrystalline form of salt has an antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect on the epithelial cells of the body. It helps the cells cure inflammation and mucous and thus, cures it. 

To sum in simple words, the salt therapy or halotherapy involves inhalation of salt particles which then works in a way mentioned above and helps in curing the diseases in children like asthma, allergies, skin infections, skin rashes, eczema, skin inflammations, etc. In addition to the salt products, the salt therapy room also has a “halogenerator' machine which pumps the salt particles in the air which you have to breather.

Salt therapy for pregnant women?

Well, salt therapy is advisable for pregnant women only after the first trimester or 4 months. However, you must speak to your doctor about the same. Pregnant women opt for this method when they don’t wish to use over-the-counter medication for respiratory issues like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory illness. 

All-in-all, halotherapy or salt therapy is a great way to get rid of various diseases and its safe for children and pregnant women.

Salt Therapy is a complementary therapy to provide relief from the symptoms and work in conjunction with existing medication, resulting in even greater relief.