Below is a study conducted by National Health Services
(NHS) in the UK with Salt Cave, a wellness centre. We at
Salt Word use Salt Cave’s technology for treatment.
Salt Cave has treated over 42,000 individuals between
2008 and 2014. According to their survey, nine out of
ten clients felt satisfied with improvement and
recommended salt therapy. In 2011, National Health
Services (NHS), UK invited ‘The Salt Cave’ to
participate in a pilot project, as part of the Personal
Health Budget program, to provide therapy for COPD
sufferers. The NHS studied the client’s treatment for a
year and even sponsored for the same. Based on the
results, the NHS took up the treatment charges for
clients with COPD using ‘The Salt Cave’s technology.
During one of the clinical trials, Salt therapy resulted
in improvement of the clinical state in:
- 85% of mild and moderate asthma cases.
- 75% of severe asthma cases.
97% of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic
fibrosis cases.
88% of smokers of the target group by the end of
inhalation course reported easier and/or decreased
cough, changes in the character of sputum, which
became lighter and clearer.
(“Journal of Aerosol Medicine, A.V. Chervinskaya, Volume
8, Number 3, 1995”).
These studies showed positive results which has
encouraged salt therapy to be accepted worldwide.