Important things to do during pregnancy

September 6, 2023
Being pregnant is a joyful time that frequently encourages women to lead healthier lifestyles and, if necessary, strive for a healthy body weight by following certain pregnancy health care tips. Before entering into the world of parental responsibilities, there are certain things pregnant woman must take care of in order to have a healthy start for the mother and the baby. Before your bundle of joy arrives, by following some pregnancy care tips and basic pregnancy advice, you will be able to grow your baby in a nurturing, healthy environment. Here are some important things to do during pregnancy.

1. Plan a balanced diet and eat well

balanced diet

During pregnancy, planning a balanced diet and eating well will ensure you have enough energy and nutrients for you and your baby to grow healthy. Include nutrient-rich food and beverages, fruits and vegetables that provide vitamins and fibre like oats, whole grains, brown rice etc. Include beans, peas, lean meats, eggs and other healthy sources of protein. For proper calcium and vitamin D intake, you can include fat-free or low fat milk, almonds, rice, non-dairy soy etc. While every woman’s needs are different, you can talk to your midwife or healthcare professional who can help you with how much should you eat and drink during pregnancy and what are the best foods and beverages to consume during pregnancy. 

2. Take your prenatal vitamins

prenatal vitamins

While eating a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals is the best way to provide all the required nutrients to your body, pregnant woman might however need to take prenatal vitamins in order to support a healthy growing baby. To assist with the proper development of the fetus expectant mothers might need higher doses of folic acid, calcium and iron. A multivitamin will usually include omega 3 fats such as DHA, EPA which are important for your baby’s brain development. Higher amounts of vitamins can be harmful to your baby so it is important to check with your doctor to find a multivitamin that best suits you during pregnancy.

3. Rethink your spa style

float tank during  pregnancy

Pregnancy is undoubtedly a time to pamper yourself. But being cautious in choosing your spa style is vital to stay safe during pregnancy. Avoid hot tubs and saunas. Certain essential oils and massages are also not advised during the first and second trimesters. If you are looking for the best way to relax and reduce the pains and discomfort caused due to excess weight on your spine and feet, try float therapy. Float therapy during pregnancy is safe and offers you a lot of benefits. It reduces stress and anxiety, promotes sleep, reduces back pain, inflammation and swelling in the body.  Floating while pregnant can bring immense relief and it creates a peaceful environment to bond with your body and the growing baby. 

4. Keep hydrated and take rest whenever possible

drink more water

Drinking more water and keeping hydrated is essential to support your blood to provide oxygen and essential nutrients to your baby. Since your body is going through tremendous changes, you might feel exhausted some days. The hormonal and emotional changes might stress you. Do take naps whenever possible. Try to give your body solid eight hours of sleep at night. It is common that you might have difficulty to sleep during pregnancy. Try investing in a pregnancy pillow or talk to your healthcare provider about how to sleep well.

5. Educate yourself

doctor consultation

Educate yourself on how the pregnancy journey is going to be. While it is not the same for every woman, knowing the best practices, the right food habits, tips for a healthy pregnancy and pregnancy safe exercises might help you to be more prepared for the delivery. Talk to your doctor and know more about childbirth and infant care. If you have any pregnancy related mental issues make sure to talk to your doctor and let him know all your concerns. During pregnancy many commonly used medicines that are available over the counter should be avoided. Before taking any medicines or supplements talk to your health care provider.

When should pregnant women do float therapy?

Pregnant women can do float therapy during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Float therapy is an effective self-care tool which provides immense relief from the stress and discomforts experienced during pregnancy. The warm water and Epsom salt used in the float tank can help reduce swelling, pains and aches, soothe sore muscles and promotes better sleep. Book you float therapy session and experience complete relaxation in a peaceful environment. 

Bonus tips for a healthy pregnancy

1. Every day, give yourself some alone time.

2. Stay active. Go for a walk or do exercises that are safe during pregnancy

3. Rest whenever you can and aim for proper sleep during night.

4. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends.

5. Meet other pregnant women and share your feelings

6. Eat well and keep hydrated